GCF guidelines followed in market segregation for more Income under FFS (Farmers Farm School) scheme.

GCF guidelines followed in Up Scaling Technology Application (SRI )

GCF involving NABARD Watershed Area Beneficiaries in the inflow channel cleaning

GCF Farm Forestry Eucalyptus Plantation

GCF Chairman explains the activities of Agri Business Centres (ABC) to the World Bank IAMWARM Project Consultants Mr. RABIQ KRIKI and Mrs. W.H. WILLIUM from U.S.A.)

GCF Stall at ATMA Agriculture Exhibition

GCF engaging SHG in Planting Work

Green Care Foundation (GCF), was initiated as a Public charitable trust in 2003 as a professionally managed rural and urban development organisation for the poor with special emphasis on Agriculture and Environment (Rural & Urban) and has been registered as a Public Charitable Trust since February 2005

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